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Hello Second Graders!

Can you believe it? You are growing up and becoming an amazing person. I am excited to have you in my class!

I may have met you when you were in Kindergarten. You may have been in my class or in one of the classes next to me. You may have come to my room for Space Camp, Mad Science, or to watch a movie. If not, you might be new. Don't worry, we will have a lot of time to get to know each other.

I love Math, Writing, Reading, and Science and especially coloring. I loved to color in school. I loved it so much I turned it into a job. Have you ever looked at a comic book and wondered, "Hey, who colored the pictures?" That might have been me or some other fantastic artist. I am a teacher and I am a Comic Book Colorist. It took a lot of time to become a colorist and I made a lot of mistakes. Do you like to color, draw, or write and tell stories? Do you make mistakes sometimes or want to give up when something is hard to do?

Our classroom is a place where you will learn to do a lot of new and interesting things and I will be there to help you! I will need your help too. I know that you are great at a lot of things. I also know that you have trouble doing some things. Are you really good at math but really bad at spelling? Are you great at playing basketball but have trouble making friends? We are all built a little different. That is why I have one big rule...

You don't have to be good at it.


See you all in a couple of weeks!

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